Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Post!!!

I'm a junior this year and an English major with a theology minor. One of the main reasons why I am taking Japanese is because Japanese is one of my favorite languages. It makes more sense than any other foreign language I've learned so far, besides Korean of course, but then again Korean is not foreign to me. Anyway, another reason is that I find the Japanese culture fascinating. I personally love Japan's history and historical culture. It's very beautiful and elegant. When I was 8 years old I had a Japanese friend named あやみ. I learned a lot of Japanese culture from her, and I still remember our childhood together fondly. I still communicate with her, even though she is now in Japan, and I hope that I'll be able to know enough Japanese to speak with her fluently next time I see her. My expectations and hopes for my Japanese class is to learn more about Japan's culture while I am learning the language.


  1. Yeah, she goes to college there now! I was really excited when she contacted me again last year.

  2. I haven't been to Japan yet, well not counting the 30 minutes I've been in the Japanese airport to transfer over to Korea;;; BUT I would love to go and visit!
